Thursday, January 24, 2008

We interrupt your Ironman training to bring you... the Bahamas!

After a week of fruity frozen drinks and warm sunshine (and even a bit of procrastination), training is back on schedule and in full force. We started our cycling technique and endurance class this week and oof it's an ass kicker. At least it's really helping both of us with our form and I'm already more comfortable in the aero position (Mike is a natural at it). So hopefully Mr. Ironman to be will hop on and give us a training update on his first month of IM training.

If you haven't started thinking about booking a room you may want to do so. We're staying at the Galt House which is the host hotel from Friday until Tuesday. Remember, the race is on Sunday and it's Labor Day weekend, so prepare for a full day of spectating fabulousness!! If you have questions about the area, just let us know!

Have a great week and stay warm ('cause it's about -2 here in Chicago--blech).


PS...Damon, this is just for you. ;)

1 comment:

L*I*S*A said...

Great pics...I suspect you all went to the "Welcome Back" party? I thought I saw a table full of champagne and such.

Gotta love it when there's FREE alcohol. :)